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Man stabs 4 minor girls in MA Movie theater

Have you prepared for being part of a mass casualty event?

Safety is critical

When you attend training, pay careful attention to the safety brief

Is a revolver still a viable option for concealed carry?

Revolvers can be an effective home defense tool, but as a carry option while out in public? As always - It depends

Benefits of a revolver for home defense

If a handgun is your choice for home defense, the humble revolver has advantages.

Can you run a manual firearm?

The time may be soon when semi-autos are banned - can you adjust now?

You are on your own

This is who is coming to save you - you better prepare yourself

ReadyFest Preparedness Festival

Relationships are vital in emergencies - network now!

Shooting firearms, like any physical activity, carries inherent risks

Protective equipment is essential to safely using firearms; don’t cut corners

Target hardening works

Defense is not just about firepower - think broadly

The time is now to take the class & apply for your LTC

Legal changes are coming to MA, and they’re going to drive up cost - in money and time

view down hand gun chamber open and empty

Squib loads

Squib loads happen - pay attention, especially with manually operated firearms such as revolvers

940 Tactical

Don’t underestimate the shotgun

Proficiency will always trump equipment, however you should always select the best tool for the job

broken shotgun extractor

Maintain your equipment!

Guns are mechanical tools; replace parts before they fail

people sitting on the floor in NYC subway, blood in foreground

Active Shooter Event - Are you ready?

Active Shooter Event NYC 04/12/2022

Revisiting the S&W Bodyguard .380

I recommended against this pistol for years, particularly for new shooters. A simple, $6 addition changed my mind.